- Air Handling Units
- Water Cooled Chillers
- Air Cooled Chillers
- Air Conditioners for surgical rooms, hospital facilities and clean rooms
- Air Conditioners for medium and large datacenters
- HVAC Piping and Tubing
- Grillers and Air Diffusers
- Temperature, Humidity, CO, CO2 Sensors,
Switches and Relays
- Digital Programmable Thermostats
- Control Valves and accessories
- Damper and Actuators
- Variable Frequency Drives
- High efficiency air filters
- HVAC water pumps
- Differential Pressure Gauges and Transmitters
- Flow meters and Manometers

HVAC & Controls Product Sales

- Access Control
- Building Analytics
- Energy Management
- Thermographic Floor Plans
- Fault Detection and Diagnostics
- Advanced Trend and Scatter Plot Tools
- OpenADR
- Integration and Metering

Building Automation Systems Sales, Engineering & Project Integration

- Simplify Deployment Complexities and Security for Industrial IoT.
- Security embedded in Layer of the IoT Stack
- One-Click Deployment of Edge Apps and Services
- Analytics, Encryption, Compression, DPI, Machine Learning and More
- Integration to unify systems enabling facilities and enterprises to record, report and share data
- Facility performance improved by making informed decisions
- Automated energy and management for simply reporting on consumption in real time
- Analytics tools to bring data diagnostics together in useful executive reports.
- Data diagnostics collected and compiled
- Tenancy application to effectively communicate with building tenants and recover utility costs
- Cloud computing for app management.

Energy Management Systems Sales, Engineering & Project Integration